Lodge | Riverside | Lifted
HEAT | Radiant Heat System
COOLING | Stack Effect
STRUCTURE | SIP’S Structurally Insulated Panels
LANDSCAPING | Flood Plane Environment
A couple, one being an artist and other in the travel industry bought this piece of grandfathered river front property to build a home away from their bustling city life. The properties main challenge and true concerned with its yearly, yet predicable flooding conditions, the owners first goal even before building designs was to understand how to mitigated this concern. Hailey, Idaho with the areas extreme weather conditions and deep snow, there was great thought put into several structural concerns like having an ice dam free roof with an energy efficient envelope for the home. Our clients were looking for the mountain experience within the home and this was accomplish by placing the occupied spaces within river bounds almost directly over the flow with afacing vertical mountain range just out of the avalanche zone. The Living room dining and entry areas all benefitting from the exposed open beam and Cedar plank ceiling along with the two story window wall vertical rise captured the entire mountain face from within. Of course having one of the clients be an artist the home has become a living art space and studio.
The Fletcher & Smith residence offered a site with an ease of access form the neighborhood along with stunning river and mountain views. However the challenging river frontage and flood zone at the base of the mountain would flood the site and into the neighborhood yearly. Tobin and the local water resource agencies used the knowledge of the site and its natural direction of the water flow during a flood event to allow the water to naturally travel beneath the elevated floor system. Setting the foundations on connected pier structures surrounded in rip rap protection and elevating the entire house floor system above the one hundred year flood plane a flood free home was achieved. The home was oriented on the site to capture the never ending river flow and snow caped wall of mountain range before it as well as a comfortable and worry free living experience.
Haily Idaho is in the Wood River Valley centrally located in the united states with a Continental Mediterranean Climate and as one might expect has very cold winters and hot summers. Snow can stack up several feet in this area and for TDA that meant a tighter more insulated envelope that was provided by using SIP (structurally insulated panels). In addition to the SIP panels providing a better envelop they were also used for their ability to help with keeping the ice damning off the eves. Material such as the wood gives the home a mountain cabin feel and ties it into is surrounding wooded environment. Steel clad windows provide the owner with less up keep and more endurance against the harsh weather changes.